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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm Alive! (a.k.a. "Food Porn #6")

One of the perks of life, ironically is when a friend calls or texts you and asks:

"What's up?" 

Oh no. Holy heck no. Do you tell them? Some of the most random things happen and get interrogated at the wrong time. I could tell them "The huge science nerd in me is reading up on chemistry terms, wearing pure red lipstick, craving who-knows-what, and listening to Avril Lavigne." 

Uh, no. It's okay. 

"Nothing. I'm Doing Nothing." 


(Back to the Food Porn) 

It has been rather difficult to remember exactly WHAT I have eaten that had been out of the ordinary. I do not believe that sausage McMuffins, Doritos, or apples count.

1) Peanut Butter & Jelly Trail Mix (Archer Farms) 

Had a friend try it. They did not look at the label and immediately said it felt like they were eating a PB&J. Awesome. 

2) Best tempura I've ever had!

It was actually homemade!! (*Recipe coming soon, I hope*) 

3) Green tea frappacino from Starbucks

A nostalgic summer drink. Love the way you hit the icy whipped cream at the bottom, and get a slight waxy coating on the roof of your mouth. I usually the lattes, both hot and iced, but this has a different feel! 

4) Coffee beat Japanese candy (Meiji) 

Tried it frozen! One of my favorite 'Meiji' chocolates :) 

5) Key lime cake donut (Dunkin Donuts) 

Obviously seasonal. They also have a filled key lime donut. Honestly, I felt like I was eating a cake donut, with nothing special about it! Forget that! Save the calories! 

6) 'Mrs. Freshley's' chocolate cupcakes 

When I knew the twinkies, cupcakes, and such were coming back, I had to make a run for it! It is never going to be the same without Hostess, but let me just say that after that one cupcake, it Made me happy that I did not spend $100 on a box of Twinkies! No? 

Also, I cannot wait to try Starbuck's new Caramel Ribbon Crunch frappacino! 

With red-stained lip print kisses, 


P.S. Soon there is going to be Starbucks frappacino happy hour! (You did not hear anything from me......) 

P.P.S. I have recently been listening to Jimmy Eat World! Maybe that means a new CD review? Hmmm.........

Saturday, April 20, 2013

CD Review #8: "Fall Out Boy: Save Rock and Roll"

CD Review #8: "Fall Out Boy: Save Rock and Roll" (2013)

Many as usual, question why Fall Out Boy did such a different music route? For me, why not?!
Fall Out Boy continues to evolve. Why hinder their growth? No band is the same forever.

I was disappointed in: their 'guest appearances'. Felt too thrown-in and cheesy! Not to mention the guest artists had little to no part of the album! The only exception? Elton John did decent. Not awesome but decent. 

I loved: Their bright alternative rock choruses! They are very apparent in the songs and make you know that it really is Fall Out Boy singing! You may have to listen closely to understand what I mean ;) 

Number of 'F bombs': Quite a few. My guess is around 7. 
It is their: 5th album I believe. 
My rating (Out of 10 stars): 8.75/10 
Compared to other Rock-ish albums, I'd give this one: I'm not sure if I 100% feel the rock genre, but if I had to, 7/10.
Explicit: For some sailor-swearing yes! 
Am I happy this is part of my Collection? Yes!!
Value (does the music out-weigh the cost?): 8/10

My Ranking: 

1) 'Rat a Tat'------On repeat!! The one that sounds most like Fall Out Boy! 
2) 'The Phoenix'------beat=10/10! 
3) 'My Songs Know what you did in the Dark'------obviously their most popular! 
4) 'Alone Together'
5) 'Save Rock and Roll'
6) 'Young Volcanoes'
7) 'Where did the Party Go'
8) 'The Mighty Fall'
9) 'Just Yesterday' 
10) 'Death Valley' -----Goes downhill from this point! 
11) 'Miss Missing You' 

My Verdict? 

Well, I've been listening to this album, and this album only for the last two days. (Now that I think about it!) I see that as a non-questionable sign! 

Why is Elton John in this Album?! , 


P.S. Can someone explain to me possibly the meaning behind the album cover art or why they could of chosen it? I can't think of why. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"The Centrifuge Brain Project" via. Youtube

The best 'mock-u-mentary' I've ever seen! Crazy scientist tries to "Prove" his scientific findings. lol 

Enjoy the rides!, 


Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Aishiteru" via. Youtube


This song makes me happy. I found out this morning that this song is actually for an anime opening! Gotta watch that anime! It looks good.

Aishiteru (lit. "I am loving you"),


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chapter 11: 'Right now, I'm obsessed with..... #1'

My Current top 10

1) Detroit Metal City anime!

The anime is really not meant for anyone under 17 and for a very good reason.... But if you dig around for it, here I go:
"After graduating high school, Negishi wanted to use his musical talent to start a pop band. Unfortunately, five years have passed, and guess what? He is now in a heavy metal band. Screaming about insane things--as the dark lead singer, Krauser! The series focuses on how difficult to lead his double life, especially after bumping into a high school sweetheart!" 
Hilarious, but cruel anime. ;p 

2) Pinterest!

So much fun!! I am adding so many new boards! I used to think it was stupid to create anything over 30 boards, but what fun is that? You can check my Pinterest and see my changes!

Some of my new boards include 'Rock the Mullet!' (hair), 'Saucy' (dishes + desserts drenched in sauce), 'My Cherry Blossom Girl' (cherries + cherry blossoms!), & 'Dip-Related' (Dipping your food in yummy dips!).

3) Sushi!

Tempura, Rainbow Roll, Dragon roll...... I even heard of some really cute rolls like the unicorn roll and the lion king roll!

4) Back to Harry Potter!

I am back to the books! My friend will be pleased....... The series is so well written. It is also a shock that the books are over 15 years old! Yet there are huge fan bases (still) hmmmmm. ;)

5) Hoping Avril is releasing a WHOLE CD and not just a single!

Secretly, although Katy Perry is good, I wish Avril would no have just 40 million page-views! She deserves it! Punk-rock princess!

6) Pocky!

One day I missed pocky SO, SO much! So far I have bought a box of chocolate....I googled for the recipe for pocky and think I found a reasonable one to try. So please, please work!

7) MLP Cravings!...

I am not sure if any one has noticed, but there are just the most random fan bases in America--across the world! (e.g. mustaches, Princess Bubblegum, Gir, bacon......) I am not considering watching the 'My Little Pony' series, but I love collecting the figurines! 

8) Owl City!

Very unhappy with his latest CD (Midsummer Station), I obviously immediately craved his older works! (First 2 albums) As my research unraveled, I found out the Adam Young's song "Fireflies" became a number one hit in TWENTY SEVEN different countries!!

9) Exercise!

Do something that excites you or find a new sport! 

10) Outer Space!

Always ready to amaze! Some starters? Saturn actually is less dense than water!! (So it would float in our ocean!) If you head to my sites tab at the bottom of my blog, you should find the link to the article I have been reading on black holes. 

I love DMC, Pinterest, Sushi, Harry Potter, Avril, Pocky, MLP, Owl City, Exercise, and Space,


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Only One": Yellowcard via. Youtube

"Only One" (Yellowcard) 

Amazing song.
New posts coming up. Very likely to be tomorrow. 

An inspiration in song,


Saturday, April 6, 2013

CD review #7: "Foster the People: Torches"

"Foster the People: Torches" (2011) 

Their album cover caught my attention. I really adore the artwork!!! 

Number of 'F bombs': none 
It is their: 1st album. 
My rating (Out of 10 stars): For just the 'strong tracks' in this album, a 8.25/10! For the less desirables, only 1.25/10! 
Compared to other Indie-rock albums, I'd give this one: N/A (I rarely listen to this genre)
Explicit: no. 
Am I happy this is part of my Collection? Sad to say, but no. 
Value (does the music out-weigh the cost?): 3.25/10

My Ranking:

4) 'I would do Anything for You'-------- Everything REALLY goes downhill from here!
5) 'Don't Stop (Color on the Walls)'
6) 'Life on the Nickel'
7) 'Pumped-up Kicks'
8) 'Houdini'  
9) 'Call it What you Want'
10) 'Warrant' 

So sorry you guys, buying this CD is a mistake. The songs 'Helena Beat', 'Miss You', and 'Waste' should just be purchased on iTunes--separate from the rest! They really are some of my favorite songs! 

I'd like to hear some input, 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Poem #2: "Why did you Lose?"

"Why did you Lose?" 
Written by: Temo 

"I can remember the past days, 

where I had no clue. 
I am still thinking it through. 
Are you really sorry,
for the things that you had done?
I'd say yes, 
if I could decide, 
because I am seeing it in your eyes. 
Why did you lose? 
And how could you lose?" 


Monday, April 1, 2013

Owl City: "Dementia" via. Youtube

"Dementia" (Owl City) 

This is love, this is war, this is insanity! 


Stone Sour: "Hesitate" via. Youtube

"Hesitate" (Stone Sour)
Don't you dare hesitate! :O ,